A Better Kind of Food Company
Fork in the Road is a community of people with generations in the food business who've come together to take a better path. And we do it by walking our talk every step of the way, from our sustainable farming methods to our lick-your-lips hot dogs, sausages, and deli meats. We started Fork in the Road because we know that great taste and healthy values can go hand in hand. And we've happily and passionately set out to prove it.
The Best From Start to "More, Please"
We use only the highest-quality meat — heirloom pork, sustainably-raised beef and free-roaming chicken. It comes from humanely raised animals that are bred for flavor and tenderness. They're never given antibiotics, growth enhancers or added hormones, are fed an entirely vegetarian diet, and are allowed to do what comes naturally — roam freely and behave like, well, animals.
Our passion for doing the right thing doesn't stop at the farm. It moves forward with our processors and manufacturers, who take our honorable ingredients and handcraft them into artisanal foods that grown-ups love to serve and kids love to eat.
We Make Foods That Makes Sense
Our foods are exactly what running-around families need and crave these days. They're delicious, high quality, healthy and convenient. And they're made in ways that don't offend your — and our — conscience.
At the end of the day, you want to know that what you eat — and especially what you feed your children — is the very best it can be. (And the fact that kids actually like our food, too? Consider that our contribution to world peace — or at least mealtime peace.)
A Movement for Good
When you get down to it, we're bigger than a community of values-driven, food-loving enthusiasts on a mission to help families grow and thrive — though we're certainly that. We're a movement for good. And we'd love for you to join us.
We’re on a path to do what’s right all around — for people, animals and the environment.