Food Justice About Both Farmer And Eater
Fri January 27, 2012
Slow Food USA President Josh Viertel discusses the struggles of food justice from both a farmer's perspective and from a low-income consumer's standpoint. In order for small farmers to make ends meet, prices must be a bit higher; but if prices are higher, than many consumers can no longer afford them. At Fork in the Road, we source exclusively from small family farmers and pay them above-commodity prices for their humanely raised animals so that they can sustain their way of life for generations to come.

Exposed Food Inc. Farmer Turns Sustainable
Sun January 15, 2012
After getting called out for its inhumane industrialized chicken-raising practices in the hit documentary "Food Inc." a Maryland farm has turned in a more sustainable direction. Carole and Frank Morison ended their contract with mega poultry processor Perdue Farms, and is now raising a flock of 500 pasture-raised hens on what has become Maryland's first Animal Welfare Approved farm. Fork in the Road buys from similar independent, family farms that are committed to sustainable and humane practices — some of which used to raise commodity animals like the Morisons until more recently.

FDA Prohibits Giving Popular Antibiotic To Animals
Fri January 6, 2012
On Jan. 5, the FDA issued an order that prohibits giving cephalosporin – a popular class of antibiotics – to cattle, swine, chickens and turkeys. Banning its administration is intended to reduce the risk of resistance to antibiotics among humans. While 100% of Fork in the Road's products are made from animals that were never given antibiotics, we absolutely applaud the FDA's bold step in making the food system healthier for all.